
I'm sorry guys, I know you deserve another phone story or gritty secrets but I don't have them today. I had a bad migraine the other day and its still kicking my behind. I just can't stay awake. I wanted to work tonight but I don't see that happening.I do think I will work tomorrow morning while my hubby is home. Go out to my truck and drive to an empty spot an get my moan on. :)

 I still am not sure if anyone reads this blog yet but I will just keep on writing. If nothing else it will make for great laughs down the line. I got my paperwork in the mail today for USI and I will be mailing it back tomorrow. I am hoping to have my training call next week; and yes I will share some tips with you. I want to start working hard. They pay more if there are certain hours you can work so I am going to see what those are. Hubby knows that we are going to need to set aside time for this. Verizon came and installed my land line; I have a desk in the bedroom living room. I am ready to go! I would love to get a call from a blog reader, even if it was only long enough to say you are a blog reader. I just want to know if there is anybody out there.......


Anonymous said...

Im a pso too and am lovin your blog! Dont delete posts just cause its irritating other girls, yo ucan write what ever you want, its a free country!

Journey Of A Phone Sex Worker said...

Thank you! I love the support