Please Be Safe!!

I am writing this article because I feel in the PSO and Cam Girl line of work safety is the biggest factor. There will be guys offering you all kinds of thing to get you to give them your private information. Nothing is worth it!

In my short time in the business I have had guys offer to send a large amount of money via Pay Pal just to get my phone number. Ladies, men can find you with your phone number! I have a separate Pay Pal, email, Amazon account and everything for this job. They all have one of many many alias, I never use my real name on any of them. Not to count my phone is in my husbands name.

PayPal can be used to send yo money but I am still iffy about that. I prefer to let them e-mail me an Amazon gift card or pick something off my Amazon wishlist. I love that guys want to send gifts and tips but I am very careful how I do it. I do not even tell them the city I live in. I will tell guys I love in Texas near Dallas but that is it.

Some guys have a hard time understanding this is all fantasy! Their actions are unexpected if they get serious. You may think its harmless to use your regular email but they can use that information to find you on Facebook. Who wants to wake up with a client commenting on wall and letting everyone know what you do? Not me!

While most guys will be harmless ladies please be careful!

Don't forget we have A CONTEST!


Anonymous said...

Very good info. Just looking into this but separate EVERYTHING is definitely the way to go!

Anonymous said...

You gave a lot of great advice in this blog..i myself am thinking of becoming a pso, and what you said about fake names for different accounts makes so much sense and was very helpful to me. thank you, Ihave often wondered about how to handle those calls or callers who try to manipulate you for your info and how to draw that line and is lying okay or politely tell them its against MY RULES to give out info. customers take offense and threaten to lose them as customers or how, seriously, do you really handle such asituation? Respectfully curious!.....

Jodi_Moon40 said...

I'm looking into different companies and was wondering if you could email me, i am curious as to which one you work for so Icould call to get more info, unless maybe u could help...thank