
I was naive to think I could start off getting calls right off the bat.  As I have written I have two profiles on a PSO platforms but not really a way to self promote right now. So dispatch companies are were I need to start, even though I wont make as much.

I have applied with 4 companies so far.Yes, I said applied. If you want a job with steady incoming calls you must apply, interview, and hope just like your friends do for their jobs. One was a phone interview and the lady is sending me my contract by mail. The other 3 I am waiting on. Two of my “interviews” involved leaving a message and hoping they like your voice; lets hope they call back. The final  application was on-line so I hope to hear something.

There are more dispatch companies I could apply for but they aren’t a fit for me. Some require a land line and some require a set schedule–I don’t have either. Incase I haven’t mentioned, I’m a mom that will be entertaining during nap and after bedtime. I will wait on replies from these first and then I will go from there.

As I have said in a previous post, becoming a PSO is not easy work! There is research, applying, promoting, and more. Hopefully my blog will help people understand that PSOs are not all bimbos with an easy job but very hard working women.

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