Still No Work

Laryngitis and strep throat leaves me with NO voice. I hate this! I have not been able to work in a week. I have gotten some voice back today so I will work some tonight hopefully. Any other illness and I could work but take away my voice and you take away my work. UGH!

There is an increase of comments on my blog. Some good and some bad. This is the last time I will acknowledge the main topic of them.

I am not "warming up for a book deal." To begin with I do not even begin to write well enough to write a book. Also, I have no desire to write a book.

I am not giving out advice. I am giving out my personal experiences. In my blog for those who have asked questions I have answered what I can and refer them to places where they can get more information. I by no means consider myself an expert on PSO!

I will leave comments open to anyone but just remember if you don't like my blog, don't read it.


Anonymous said...

Then will you stop spamming the boards with it? Take it out of your signature?

I asked us to look, didn't you?

And we looked.

Sorry you didn't get the response you wanted, but you can't unopen Pandora's box.


Fetish Girl said...

She asked you to look and she is taking your rude commnts very respectfully. Dozens of other girls have signatures, why cant she? sadie I think you have a personal issue, I suggest bury it because some of us actually like this blog.Like she said if you dont like it dont read it.

Anonymous said...

love your blog! Im a PSO too, I write about my experiences too,thats our choice, others just like to blog fantasy stuff to attract new callers. Me I prefer to be real. My callers like it too Thanks

Anonymous said...

so did you get the job with 800Delilah? what kind of message did you leave when you called

Anonymous said...

Hi Fetish Girl!

I do have an issue with it - or did I not make that clear? I really thought I was being transparent about it - but maybe not.

So to clarify - I do have an issue with it. And I am not alone. I just tend to be more outspoken than people who send private messages about it instead. Which of course, is happening a lot, lol.

I never said I had an issue with it as her sig - I was responding to her actual blog post and things she put in it.

But then again, I actually read - not make knee jerk assessments like some.

Perhaps you need to read the blog post and then my comment to see the correlation?

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Sadie lighten up get your panties out of a wad my dear, stop making such a big deal over nothing

Anonymous said...

I personally have a issue with a person that works for a company, that signs a contract with them, and they go about spreading everything all over the internet on a blog. OK if you are working for a company that you have promote yourself that is one thing. But Girlie, you are not working for a company that requires that. You are giving all details of fantasy's and customers. Were is the privacy. Do you think callers call us to spread there secrets all over the internet, No they don't.

If I was the boss of a company I would rip up your contract for posting all this stuff.

Anonymous said...

Also for other pso to think this is not a big deal, they need to wake up as well. I have been in this business for 22yrs. Do you all not think about how the caller is calling us to share his deepest secrets with us.

So If I were you id have some respect for your callers and their wishes.

Cause remember with out them you might be poor and have no paycheck coming in what so ever.

Darla said...

Stuff like this is why there are so many lurkers in the boards and forums, you put a lot of women together and there is bound to be drama. Ladies want the ability to stay on top of trends in the field but certainly don't want to deal with getting cyber jumped, lol.
I know I'm not alone in feeling this way, it's a known issue. Anyone who has worked NF has come across it and same thing for a lot of the companies where the PSOs are able to interact. You really have to take it all in stride and I think the author is doing so, admirably.
Not to mention that blogging about your calls has always been encouraged at any combo company I ever worked for. PSOs were told to do the same thing she is doing and just respect the caller by changing names. NOT ONCE did a caller stop his patronage or complain about it. Those that did mention it were flattered and/or excited that their call had been a memorable one.And yes, these were reputable and extremely well run companies.
I've been doing PSO work since '98 and though that isn't quite as long as some other ladies, it's long enough to have been immersed in various sides of the industry.
I had more to say but in the interest of not adding fuel to the fire, I'll stop here. Not that it was inflammatory, in any way, but just because all this back and forth in comments is ultimately pointless. It's counter productive and will never alter another's opinion.
I just wanted to lend my support to the author.
xx D

Anonymous said...

I 110% agree with darla. i also agree about the fact that the companies encourage blogging . personally i enjoy reading other pso's stories about certain calls they had or about a particular caller, makes me feel like I'm not alone or not the only one when we do have those bad days or should i say "odd " days where the calls don't go your way or just don't go right at all . so with that I say pay no attention to the haters and keep on keeping on cause i love reading your blogs and to the haters I say " don't knock it till you've tried it " and don't hate the players, hate the game and if you are a game hater then in my big ole opinion just makes you a boring, no fun at all,'s that for "judgements "? lol...... yours truly, Harley girl!